Working with colour and humour is what gets Lizzy up in the morning. Making somebody feel good or even just to bring a smile to their face is terrific. Life is full to bursting with funny, amusing and unexpected moments. Children, to the young at heart, all enjoy her paintings. Lizzy’s work can be read like a storybook on the wall. Creating paintings for the walls we live in is so important because these creations will last and create memories in our hearts forever.
News & Events

Things are still very quiet, planned exhibitions remain on hold but I will post when dates are confirmed. Click through to my blog to read more…

Both books are available in all good bookshops and have been found from Airports to Gallery gift shops. You also can have them ordered in at your bookshop or contact WALKER BOOKS AUSTRALIA for information and how to order…95179577

I will be adding to my print collection in the near future. The isolation time has found me going back to block and Linocut printing. Such a lovely way to get lost in creating art. Even carving the humble potato works beautifully.

I love the natural world and have been collecting all sorts of natural materials and creating textural wall sculpture, a beautiful way to create something special for your home. The possibilities are endless.